Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Something hasn't been right for a little while. I was told by a psychologist that the way I have felt lately is natural for someone my age, who is moving into the next phase of her life - her 30's.

I accept that it is bound to happen - that all of a sudden I'd wake up and realise that its time for new goals, new plans, new commitments - but I didn't expect to feel so lost in the process..... I am learning that in between being who i once was, and moving towards who i am going to be, is a scary place for me. There is a feeling of dread, and a large amount of discomfort.

I am not at all enjoying being stuck in transition - I have no home of my own, no family around me, no support network here with me in Singapore. It is a lonely place for me right now.

..... so no blogging tonight..... i'm just going to take a break from it tonight.....


1 comment:

  1. Hey !! C'mon My Girl. You are missing home and M, and the Little ones.
    Just think of all the great things you can do.
    Go anywhere and do anything, wish it was me. I do understand and I think you had a bad day, yes? Your 30's are better than your 20's believe me, big things are going to happen for you. "Taroo Dat" X X X X X X
