Friday, September 18, 2009

Everybody Has A Story....

So I was out last night. *gasp*

No really, i went out and actually did my best to socialise in this god-forsaken country. I mean, who would have imagined that? Actually going out after work, surrounding myself with people my own age, having a beer and being jovial!!! I know. Madness. It is so very hard to believe but I did it. And I lasted until 9pm! That is about 4 more hours than I would usually last (ie. not going out at all).

While the night did not completely change my outlook on being social, I became involved in a discussion with a colleague of mine and it reminded me of why it was that I came to Singapore. He is British. He moved from the relative safety of his home and threw himself into Asia and went through a period of adjustment too. He explained why it was that he was able to associate with my feeling of loneliness and isolation.

However, he then pointed out the reasons why he loved Singapore so much.

He looked around and said "you know, everyone has a story here in Singapore."

I implored him to explain further.

He said, "look at us - we come from countries of relative privilege - Australia and England - where everything is about how much you earn, who you are with, what family you come from, who has the fastest car, largest house, fanciest job title...."

I nodded. I understood.

He looked at me and said "K, when i am asked a question here, people want to know my answer because they know they will get a good answer. They really want to know about me. And when I ask people questions, I really want to know their answer. Why? Because they will tell me what I love to hear. We are all of the same breed, the same make up, us expatriates. We have stories to tell. We all have homes, but we all choose not to be there. We have a different level of enthusiasm, a broader thirst for knowledge, an understanding of difference. We all have a story, and we are all here to add to it."

At that point, I remembered why I made that decision, back in March, to do this.

I have a story. And I am here to add to it.

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