Sunday, May 31, 2009

World Harvest Festival - Sarawak Cultural Village Part I

Sarawak Cultural Village's World Harvest Festival (formerly known as Gawai Tourism Night) is held each year around the same time and it is an opportunity for the local village to celebrate the harvest by showing off its cultural talents. It also involves performances from invited international cultural troupes and the highlight of the event (certainly for me) - the staging of a theme play on a legendary Iban warrior entitled "Apai Balang" - more on that later!

This year, the invited cultural troupes spanned across the globe - Sri Lanka, India, and Latvia!

First event of the day for me was the Sarawak Cultural Performance, held in the Dewan Lagenda.

While photographing the cultural dances was quite a challenge (due to lighting and movement), I managed to get som e shots of the action.

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