Over the last 24 hours, I have had over 700 visitors to my website. I expect that come morning, I will have over 1000 people registered as having viewed it.
It is not because anyone really cares about what goes on in my life. It is not that they are genuinely interested in my life in Singapore, my photography, my stories of travelling.
It is because someone (once again) took my photos and made reference to my blog as they did so. They did this on Yahoo Finance, a considerably popular website with a great degree of traffic passing through it.
Since then, there have been derogatory comments made about me on the thread by people who do not know me. There have been comments about my weight - that I am fat and that I should eat some more burgers, that I should "get back on my bike, b*tch", that my blog is pathetic, that my photography is crap, and many more comments.
The fact is, I do put my life out here to be seen. Perhaps I share a little too much of myself on the blog. However, what I do not expect is to have to deal with strangers making comments about me, about what I do, about my appearance.
I can't fight back. There is no point. I will just, as best I can, continue along on this journey and pray that those strangers who have visited my blog today take the time to look beyond being selfish assholes, and see that there is a real person behind the blog.... real stories....people with feelings.